Family silence around disability complicates brothers’ bond
In this brief interview, Terrence Ho describes his relationship with his brother Torrance, who was diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy as a child and passed away at the age of 37. The interview addresses family relationships, cultural stigma, and Terrence’s roles as caregiver and advocate for this brother. Terrence also describes Torrance’s talents as an artist and power wheelchair hockey goalie. Terrence has advice for other siblings about how to manage family dynamics, emotional stress, and patient advocacy. The interview reveals what an important role siblings play over time when a child has a degenerative condition, and also speaks to the difficulty parents may have in talking to children about their brother’s or sister’s disabilities. There are several mentions of types of health care and services that were provided or that would have been useful.
This brief story provides insight into challenges and rewards of the sibling relationship, one that is often overlooked. It could be used to prompt discussions about family caregiving, family communication, and ways health care providers can support family caregivers.