Case Report

Case Report

Content type: Health story

“Case Report” document’s the author’s simultaneous experiences of being a medical student and sexual assault survivor. It moves through the aftermath of the trauma living solidly in two worlds, as an insider and outsider of healthcare.

This brief story describes numerous interactions with a range of health care providers, as well as interactions that occur with friends, a pharmacist, patients, and others.  By showing examples of unhelpful and helpful ways people responded to a sexual assault survivor, this story can prompt important discussions about compassionate care and social support.  It also provides insight into how a provider’s own traumatic experiences inform their approach to medical care.  Some of the interactions in the story are difficult to read so advance notice may be appropriate with some audiences.


“Rosario Tijeras” Jorge Franco

“Rosario Tijeras” Jorge Franco

Content type: Health story

“Rosario Tijeras” by Jorge Franco is a Colombian novel that explores the world of drug trafficking and its impact on individuals. The story follows Rosario as she grapples with the trauma of sexual abuse, which has driven her into a life of crime within the violent drug trade. The novel also delves into Rosario’s mental health and the relationships she forms. Additionally, it sheds light on the effects of child sexual abuse and the physical toll of her criminal lifestyle as they lead to hospitalization. Undergraduates would be highly motivated by the storyline, dialect and characters. 160 pages, only available in print or electronic (paid) edition, but inexpensive ($10 used) and readily available. 


Visual and narrative comprehension of trauma

Visual and narrative comprehension of trauma

Content type: Health story

This article argues that though art is assumed to be useful as an intuitive means of representation, its usefulness in offering insight into trauma depends on accompanying narratives. Four artists’ works considered herein illuminate how the synergistic interplay between art and expository input from personal narratives can augment comprehension of trauma”. This article includes artwork from  Luzene Hill, David Wojnarowicz, Tania Love Abramson. Luzene Hill’s work, Retracing the Trace, depicts their experience with rape and the silencing of women within our society. The art installment shows her body lying on the ground with blood red knots scattered around her body. This article could be used in a class discussion based on how trauma can be made tangible and expressed through mediums such as art.