Listening to Patient Narratives Exercise: Anju’s Breast Cancer story

Listening to Patient Narratives Exercise: Anju’s Breast Cancer story

Content type: Teaching material

This is an outline for a class exercise utilizing a video from the Look Now Project. The short documentary tells Ajnu’s story of treatment for breast cancer.

The class exercise is part of a one-hour session entitled “Between the Lines,”  part of a training by the Northwest Narrative Medicine Collaborative in collaboration with Lewis & Clark College, which brought together undergraduate students, medical students, and medical professionals for a one-day workshop.  In the “Between the Lines” session, we examined how clinical interactions are framed by medical scripts and encourage changing these frames to make room for patient stories. Then we engage in practicing listening closely to patient stories for what is said, how it is said, what is not said, and how our own experiences and identities shape what we hear.


Heart Sounds

Heart Sounds

Content type: Health story

In this 5 minute read, a first year medical student discusses treating a patient whose family had to overcome indifference in the ER in order for him to receive treatment. Additionally, the medical student illustrates managing the unknown when assisting a patient with an advanced and nuanced condition. The student decides that the best treatment they can provide is listening to the family’s complaints, fears, and happy moments in order to encourage them to keep believing in this patient’s future.

The story touches on cardiology as a specialty and would benefit pre-medical undergraduates as well as professional students recently starting their health profession. It highlights the importance, and difficulty, of active listening.