Squirmy and Grubs YouTube Channel
“Squirmy and Grubs” are a married couple who make Youtube videos, podcasts, and Instagram posts about life as an interabled couple. Shane, who has spinal muscular atrophy, and Hannah, who does not, share their daily lives, challenges, and adventures. They provide insight into their interabled relationship, educating viewers about disability awareness, acceptance, and the importance of genuine connections. Their youtube channel spreads awareness about Spinal Muscular Atrophy, but also dives into what it’s like to be together as one person who has a physical disability, and one who does not. They share videos that share their daily routine and how Hannah cares for Shane. Though, they also emphasize the ways that Shane gives care to Hannah, as well, even though he has very limited mobility. This Youtube channel is important because it shows how an interabled relationship is not really so different, and that disabled people can be in genuine and fulfilling relationships.
This youtube channel gives a first person perspective of life as an interabled couple and could be used in a classroom setting for classes focused on learning about reciprocal care, and the logistics of taking care of someone with a physical disability in a way that shows humanness, support, reciprocity, and sensitivity. They provide many great videos on how certain people with disabilities would like to be addressed, cared for, and interacted with in public and private settings, sharing a unique perspective. Specific videos to watch for learning and analytical purposes are titled, “Intimacy in Our Marriage Q & A,” “We’re Hiring a Caregiver?!” and “Our Physical Intimacy and Romance Explained.” These videos provided a candid look into their life as an interabled couple, sparking discussion on the role of media representation of disability, and how humor plays into storytelling and health narratives.