Difficult Choices

Difficult Choices

Content type: Health story

In this 2-minute video from the Youtube channel Story Center, a mother describes the discrimination that she faced for expressing breast milk at work. The narrator draws attention to the discrimination she and many other people who breastfeed faced, and the effect that her decision to breastfeed had on her career–although she successfully pursued a complaint that resulted in compensation and promises to change policy, she ultimately lost her job. “Difficult Choices” provides a succinct example of workplace discrimination against mothers, the legal remedies available, and their limitations. It could prompt discussion about the use of personal stories for advocacy.


El único intérprete

El único intérprete

Content type: Health story

“El único intérprete” describes a Colombian, Jhon who became a sign language interpreter because he saw an opportunity to improve the legal system from within the prosecutor’s office. Could be relevant to (pre-) law students, legal Spanish classes, more general upper division courses, to show the struggles of those with disabilities in systems not designed with them in mind. In Spanish with both Spanish and English transcripts available. 44 minutes.


Call me Francisca

Call me Francisca

Content type: Health story

Francisca had always had difficulty getting pregnant. That is why she was exhilarated when she found out the news that she was having a baby. However, after some tests, Francisca was informed that she was HIV positive. Her doctors gave her antivirals and frequent checkups to keep her viral load low, but they did not inform her about much else. She felt guilt-ridden. When the time came for her birth, she had a C-section performed by a different doctor. After her son was born, a nurse informed her that her sterilization went well. Francisca later sued the hospital for a violation of rights.

This narrative is available in a Spanish transcription and as an English translation. It originates from Chile in 2002. As a patient, Francisca’s trust and rights were violated. Accessible to upper intermediate Spanish readers; transcription helps with audio. Useful for discussion of reproductive rights, women’s health.