Depression Quest
This is a choose-your-own adventure game that aims to illustrate what having depression is like, specifically for those who have not experienced or have not been diagnosed with depression. The creators stress on the opening page that the game is not representative of everyone’s experience with depression, but is an amalgamation of different or shared experiences from people with depression. Each “level” has a different description of what the character, you, do or can do throughout the day. You then have the opportunity to choose between a few options that lead to different results or storylines. Some of the options are portrayed as beneficial while others are harmful. Some levels, specifically when the character’s depression is particularly extreme, show answers that are red-lined and unavailable to us, although we can read them. There are many different endings that appear depending on what choices you make throughout the game, meaning that everyone in the class who plays could have a different outcome or experience, which can lead to an opportunity for discussion.
The creators end the game with this message : “Instead of a tidy ending, we want to just provide a series of outlooks to take moving forward. After all, that’s all we can really do with depression – just keep moving forward. And at the end of the day it’s our outlook, and support from people just like you, that makes all the difference in the world.”
This narrative experience could be used to discuss themes such as immersive and experiential learning, including controversial learning models such as disability simulations It can also be used to discuss what we value in narratives: does the ability to act as the character immerse us more? Do we feel distanced without an author to connect with? The game play could be supplemented with other reading materials to compare and contrast different uses of narrative. When the game was released, it was also caught up in the “gamer-gate controversy” (described in a New Yorker feature article: This larger context for the game could prompt discussion about stigma associated with depression, and the appropriateness of using a “game” to educate in this way.
Users have the option to “play for free” or “pay what you want.”