Depression Quest

Depression Quest

Content type: Teaching material

This is a choose-your-own adventure game that aims to illustrate what having depression is like, specifically for those who have not experienced or have not been diagnosed with depression. The creators stress on the opening page that the game is not representative of everyone’s experience with depression, but is an amalgamation of different or shared experiences from people with depression. Each “level” has a different description of what the character, you, do or can do throughout the day. You then have the opportunity to choose between a few options that lead to different results or storylines. Some of the options are portrayed as beneficial while others are harmful. Some levels, specifically when the character’s depression is particularly extreme, show  answers that are red-lined and unavailable to us, although we can read them. There are many different endings that appear depending on what choices you make throughout the game, meaning that everyone in the class who plays could have a different outcome or experience, which can lead to an opportunity for discussion.

The creators end the game with this message : “Instead of a tidy ending, we want to just provide a series of outlooks to take moving forward. After all, that’s all we can really do with depression – just keep moving forward. And at the end of the day it’s our outlook, and support from people just like you, that makes all the difference in the world.”

This narrative experience could be used to discuss themes such as immersive and experiential learning, including controversial learning models such as disability simulations It can also be used to discuss what we value in narratives: does the ability to act as the character immerse us more? Do we feel distanced without an author to connect with? The game play could be supplemented with other reading materials to compare and contrast different uses of narrative.  When the game was released, it was also caught up in the “gamer-gate controversy” (described in a New Yorker feature article:  This larger context for the game could prompt discussion about stigma associated with depression, and the appropriateness of using a “game” to educate in this way.

Users have the option to “play for free” or “pay what you want.”


Community Conversations – Epiphany’s Story

Community Conversations – Epiphany’s Story

Content type: Health story

In this short video posted by the Medical College of Wisconsin, Epiphany Gold, shares her experience with depression. As the pandemic started, Epiphany struggled with her mental health due to the isolation, losing her mom, and failing her nursing exams, something that had been an anchor for her. Epiphany shares how she no longer felt like she could continue to go on, not even for her child which was the sign that she needed to go therapy. She reflects how she feels therapy saved her as well as her life. This video engages with the topic of what it means to be in relation to others, specifically your child, while struggling with mental health. This video could be used to explore ways in which systems, or the lack thereof, of social support aid in the general well being of people, especially in regard to mental health.


Sick Woman Theory

Sick Woman Theory

Content type: Health story

Sick Woman Theory by Johanna Hedva is an exploration of the intersection of illness, disability, and feminism. Hedva challenges traditional notions of productivity and success, advocating for a reevaluation of societal attitudes toward bodies that deviate from the norm. The theory delves into the experiences of sick and disabled individuals, highlighting the systemic issues they face, and calling for a more inclusive and compassionate understanding of chronic illness. Hedva’s work prompts a reconsideration of the value placed on health and challenges the ableist structures ingrained in society. 

Specifically, Hedva provides a story of when they were unable to participate, in the streets, during the Black Lives Matter protests. Due to their many illnesses, including PTSD, anxiety, fibromyalgia, and endometriosis. Hedva describes chronic illness, writing, “I have chronic illness. For those who don’t know what chronic illness means: the word “chronic” comes from the Greek “chronos,” χρόνος, which means “time” (think of “chronology”). In certain contexts, it can mean “a lifetime.” So, a chronic illness is an illness that lasts a lifetime. In other words, it does not get better. There is no cure.” They explain the implications of chronic illness in times of resistance. 

This source could be used in a course discussing disability and chronic illness, especially when focusing on intersectionality. It raises questions about who is allowed to participate in society, and how they are allowed to participate. Hedva affirms the experience of disabled bodies, advocating for resistance through rest. Courses interested in illness and politics, illness and relationships, and how disabled bodies can mobilize without moving would benefit from this reading. 


Let’s Talk About Trauma – A Wound That Never Fully Heals

Let’s Talk About Trauma – A Wound That Never Fully Heals

Content type: Health story

In this Tedx Talk, High school senior Matilde Antunes shares both the psychology and biology between trauma. Matilde shares her own personal narrative of growing up in a broken home. At five years old her parents divided and forced her siblings to pick sides as well as years of hatred and fights between the parents. Such experiences led her to develop depression as well as trauma that prevailed and stayed with her throughout her life. Matilde refers to this experience and trauma in general as a “wound that never fully heals.” She then discusses the importance of breaking the stigma surrounding trauma and mental health generally through the power of vulnerability and connectivity. This video could be utilized within a classroom setting to explore the psychology behind childhood trauma as well as a way to expand on the causes of trauma.


Hyperbole and a Half: Unfortunate situations, flawed coping mechanisms, mayhem, and other things that happened.

Hyperbole and a Half: Unfortunate situations, flawed coping mechanisms, mayhem, and other things that happened.

Content type: Health story

This is a graphic memoir written by a comedic blogger, divided into chapters that retell various life experiences in words and digital drawings, ranging from sibling relationships to unruly dogs to childhood memories to unconventional methods of dealing with depression. Brosh has experienced depression throughout her life, and this is a topic she digs into candidly in her book.

Selected chapters of this book could be used as brief, accessible readings in a class on mental illness or in a training for health care providers. A follow up assignment could invite students to make graphic narratives of their own and could invite discussion of how humor can be used to make difficult topics less taboo.


Maldita Depresion

Maldita Depresion

Content type: Health story

This poem (~30 lines) describes depression from the inside, emphasizing the writer’s frustration that her depression is impacting her writing. She describes her feelings by saying that the world is cold, but she doesn’t have a coat. She wants to feel the world’s beauty, but she doesn’t see any heart or soul in the world around her. She finishes the poem wondering if she will wake up tomorrow. The poem is constructed around concrete imagery that makes it accessible to intermediate Spanish readers and above. It could be a useful writing prompt or discussion starter in poetry, composition or conversation courses, as well as storytelling groups or workshops.


Mi vida con Sida: La historia de Carolina

Mi vida con Sida: La historia de Carolina

Content type: Health story

Details a young Chilean woman’s experience with AIDS. Her first symptoms were a severe pneumonia and first diagnosis was depression; finally tested positive for AIDS. Details both the stigma of having AIDS and the often supportive reactions from family members. Chilean dialect features may make this otherwise brief, accessible story a stretch for non-native speakers before upper intermediate level. Good example to discuss stigmatized health conditions, misdiagnosis, dealing with family members’ reactions.


Esto es lo que sientes cuando tienes depresión

Esto es lo que sientes cuando tienes depresión

Content type: Health story

Barbara Stepko details the experience of five people with depression. One of these is Nita Sweeney. As a child, Nita felt that she lived with an immense melancholy that prevented her from functioning. These feelings stayed with Nita throughout her professional years. Her grave feelings weighed on her until she made a plan to take her life. She was stopped by a call from her therapist. Because of this professional, Nita spent time in the hospital and used writing, running, and medications to stabilize herself. Useful for community groups to discuss stigma of seeking help for mental illness.


¿Cómo superar el duelo? Mi experiencia personal

¿Cómo superar el duelo? Mi experiencia personal

Content type: Health story

This story describes the narrator’s struggle with grief after the death of her partner in a car crash. Her persistent questions of “why did this have to happen” and “why did they deserve this” led to depression, barely getting out of bed, and friends noticing changes in personality. When she finally left her house, the fresh air convinced her to see a psychologist. She concludes that the pain never goes completely away but becomes less paralyzing over time.

At 1.5-2 pages, this is appropriate for upper intermediate Spanish learners or a community group to discuss bereavement and how therapy can help. Placement within a website that promotes therapy does forecast that therapy is the answer to problems.


René (Video Oficial)

René (Video Oficial)

Content type: Health story

This 7-minute music video tells Rene’s (Residente) story of growing up “lower middle class” but secure in Puerto Rico. Describes happiness, sadness and the fragility of being a famous rapper and how he uses alcohol to deal with powerful feelings: loneliness, fear, grief – but music and baseball are more stable healing forces. The video has accurate subtitles in both Spanish and English and moves quite slowly (and can be slowed even further). Many scenes and details of Puerto Rican culture, excellent illustration of dialect features. Could be used to discuss alcoholism, addiction, grief in an upper intermediate or higher Spanish course.