The emperor of all maladies: A biography of cancer.

The emperor of all maladies: A biography of cancer.

Content type: Health story

This book won the Pulitzer Prize for nonfiction in 2010. It is written by a physician who interweaves his clinical experiences as a medical oncologist with the history of cancer, including how humans came to understand that it wasn’t one disease but several and how treatments were developed as scientific understanding of human bodies progressed. For example, realizing that bodies were made up of cells and that cancers were also cells rather than viruses was a big step forward in the 1840’s.

The work is constructed as within stories within stories, including cases of patients, biographies of scientists and doctors, and Mukherjee’s own learning to become an oncologist through the inevitable trial and error of medical education. Written (almost) as engagingly as any novel, it’s still a big commitment for a student or layperson and not easy to assign in small parts. It might be most useful as a background reading to get a sense of medical history generally and a somewhat soothing answer when it seems like every third person you know is dealing with cancer (partly because we’re all living so long, partly because – all that other stuff).


A last act of intimate kindness

A last act of intimate kindness

Content type: Health story

“I had barely seen my brother in decades, but when time was short, he let me in.” In the “Modern Love” section of the NYT, a woman describes the tenderness and connection of caring for a younger brother she was mostly estranged from through his death from cancer. She’s surprised at how positive and touching it is to reconnect with him under such difficult circumstances.

The story could be used to prompt discussion of end-of-life care. The brother declines aggressive treatment and his sister is with him when he dies at home.

This narrative is also available in Spanish under the title, “Un último acto de amabilidad íntima.”