Please See Me

Online literary journal that features health-related stories in the form of fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and art, as well as the occasional film and interview. Issues include multiple works around a specific theme (e.g., Pain, Hope, Mental Health, Women’s Health). Work features voices of patients, providers and “healthcare consumers” from their own experiences and perspectives. Written submissions are 4000 word maximum.

Examples of featured works include: A mixed media art piece on pain, grief, and hopelessness from an artist dealing with loss and addiction (lil peep in Issue #2: Pain), a poem about medical debt (“Johns Hopkins Sues Patients, Many Low-Income, for Medical Debt” in Issue #9: Open Call), and a mother’s experience raising a son with intellectual disabilities and grappling with an Alzheimer’s diagnosis (Forgetting Aiden in Issue #1: Conversation).



  • Link:
    • Details

      Language: English

      Type of Story: Webpage

      Medium: image, written, and audio

      Contributed by: Health Story Hub Team ( )


      Please See Me. (n.d.). [Online Journal]. Retrieved October 1, 2022, from