
Artist describes the work displayed on this page this way: “COVERED-19 | CONVITE-19 COVERED19 is a live painting series influenced by the experiences of quarantine. Participants are invited to send a full body photograph that represents their thoughts and feelings about the COVID19 pandemic. The photograph is used to inspire the artist, Ibraim Nascimento, to create an original painting through a live video with the participant. By creating a virtual space for discussion, COVERED 19 allows the individual to tell their story. This series explores the concept of the ‘new normal’ and the abnormal, changes in day-to-day behavior like wearing masks, and self-reflection about the future. What will be the ‘new normal’? Can we go back to our way of life post COVID-19?”

Paintings could be used to discuss visual narratives, who tells stories of illness for others and how, and how people make meaning of visual representations versus oral/written storytelling. This could be done in Spanish classes from lower intermediate up, or English classes in many disciplines: health studies, media, writing courses.
