Cami’s Polio Story

Cami’s Polio Story

Content type: Health story

Cami’s story is one of several on this section of a site hosted by Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, which includes several stories of individuals who had polio.  Cami contracted polio as a child in 1954; this short personal story emphasizes the long-term physical and emotional struggles involved in overcoming the disease. Cami expresses concern about the current resistance to vaccines, particularly for diseases like COVID-19, and criticizes the choice to reject proven vaccines as foolish, selfish, and potentially deadly. Cami highlights the lasting impact of vaccine-preventable diseases and questions the wisdom of risking children’s lives by refusing vaccination, drawing on her own experience when no vaccine was available for polio.

Cami’s story could be used to discuss the ethical and historical considerations of vaccination.  It could also illustrate the use of story for public health persuasion.


Former Anti-Vaccine Mom Explains How Movement Pulled Her In, And How She Left

Former Anti-Vaccine Mom Explains How Movement Pulled Her In, And How She Left

Content type: Health story

This NPR interview discusses Lydia’s journey from being initially pro-vaccine to joining the anti-vaccination movement after a traumatic experience with her first child’s vaccinations. She describes how online forums fueled her fears, leading her to reject vaccines for her subsequent children. However, Lydia’s perspective shifted during the COVID-19 pandemic, prompting her to research and ultimately decide to vaccinate her children. The story highlights the role of misinformation in the anti-vaccine movement, the challenges faced by healthcare professionals combating disinformation, and the impact of social media. Lydia’s experience also emphasizes the need for open dialogue, fact-based education, and addressing vaccine hesitancy. The interview concludes with Lydia expressing her newfound motivation to pursue nursing school to help educate new parents about vaccines.

Both audio and written transcript are available.

Lydia’s story would be relevant to health-related courses or discussions related to vaccination, healthcare decision-making, and the impact of misinformation.


Eric Clapton’s “This Has Gotta Stop”

Eric Clapton’s “This Has Gotta Stop”

Content type: Health story

British rock star Eric Clapton’s 2021 song “This Has Gotta Stop” expresses his apparent discontent with COVID-19 pandemic restrictions and vaccines. Known as the “anti-vax anthem” the lyrics detail his reported adverse reactions to the AstraZeneca vaccine. Clapton, who has been critical of vaccines and lockdowns since 2020, published a note in May outlining his negative experiences after the first dose. He expressed reservations about performing for a “discriminated audience” and reserved the right to cancel shows unless all people were allowed to attend. The song’s music video features animated graphics of protesters and supports the British anti-lockdown group Jam for Freedom. This song could be used to spark conversation about anti-vaccine sentiments and the role of media and music in expressing opinions on social and political issues.

The citation is to a news story about the music video; the URL is to the video posted on YouTube.