Depression Quest

Depression Quest

Content type: Teaching material

This is a choose-your-own adventure game that aims to illustrate what having depression is like, specifically for those who have not experienced or have not been diagnosed with depression. The creators stress on the opening page that the game is not representative of everyone’s experience with depression, but is an amalgamation of different or shared experiences from people with depression. Each “level” has a different description of what the character, you, do or can do throughout the day. You then have the opportunity to choose between a few options that lead to different results or storylines. Some of the options are portrayed as beneficial while others are harmful. Some levels, specifically when the character’s depression is particularly extreme, show  answers that are red-lined and unavailable to us, although we can read them. There are many different endings that appear depending on what choices you make throughout the game, meaning that everyone in the class who plays could have a different outcome or experience, which can lead to an opportunity for discussion.

The creators end the game with this message : “Instead of a tidy ending, we want to just provide a series of outlooks to take moving forward. After all, that’s all we can really do with depression – just keep moving forward. And at the end of the day it’s our outlook, and support from people just like you, that makes all the difference in the world.”

This narrative experience could be used to discuss themes such as immersive and experiential learning, including controversial learning models such as disability simulations It can also be used to discuss what we value in narratives: does the ability to act as the character immerse us more? Do we feel distanced without an author to connect with? The game play could be supplemented with other reading materials to compare and contrast different uses of narrative.  When the game was released, it was also caught up in the “gamer-gate controversy” (described in a New Yorker feature article:  This larger context for the game could prompt discussion about stigma associated with depression, and the appropriateness of using a “game” to educate in this way.

Users have the option to “play for free” or “pay what you want.”


Aliceheimer’s: Alzheimer’s Through the Looking Glass

Aliceheimer’s: Alzheimer’s Through the Looking Glass

Content type: Health story

This graphic memoir captures the author’s journey with her mother, Alice, who is diagnosed with dementia. Through a creative blend of writing, visual art, and comics, Walrath weaves elements from Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland throughout the text to explore the transformative power of storytelling in navigating the challenges of mental illness, loss, and social stigma. The memoir offers a unique perspective on aging and caregiving, emphasizing the healing potential of graphic narratives by speaking to how visual mediums can communicate more than, or differently from, written text. Collaged illustrations, made in part from Carroll’s text itself, are accompanied by a textual vignette. The combination of text and art results in a cohesive narrative that would lack the same depth and detail if considered in isolation. Graphic medicine, Walrath writes, “lets us better understand those who are hurting, feel their stories, and redraw and renegotiate those social boundaries.” Aliceheimer’s provides a way to introduce and educate people about Alzheimer’s as a medical condition, while highlighting the humanity involved in dealing with it as a family.

This novel could be used in classes regarding narrative medicine, graphic medicine, and/or caregiving experiences. It invites discussions on the role of storytelling in reshaping medical narratives, the impact of stigma on health, and the potential for creative expression in coping with complex health challenges. With Walrath’s background in Medical Anthropology, this book could also be used to ask how researchers personally connect to their work.


Living with HIV: Six Very Different Stories

Living with HIV: Six Very Different Stories

Content type: Health story

This article from The Guardian features six diverse narratives of individuals living with HIV, highlighting the evolution of the HIV/AIDS experience over the past 30 years in Britain. For example, Jonathan, diagnosed during the early epidemic in the 1980s, reflects on living with HIV for over half of his life, explaining how he managed without medication until 1996 and has come to embrace life with HIV through activism. Another example is Jo, diagnosed at 60, who discusses how she navigated the shock of her diagnosis and the perceptions associated with being an older woman with HIV. She’s open about her diagnosis because she wants to change perceptions about people living with HIV. 

This article offers students an opportunity to reflect on diverse experiences with the same illness, and brings up topics such as stigma, activism, and media representation of illness and how these change through time.


HIV, Mon Amour: Poems by Tory Dent

HIV, Mon Amour: Poems by Tory Dent

Content type: Health story

“HIV, Mon Amour,” a collection of poems by Tory Dent, transcends conventional narratives surrounding HIV/AIDS. Dent, who was HIV positive, employs lyric poetry to create a deeply personal and bracingly honest narrative, resisting the dominant journalistic and political expressions associated with the epidemic. Through her unique approach, Dent navigates the stigmas attached to HIV/AIDS, rejecting both the stigmatizing and activist-driven narratives. Her use of language, range of feeling, and occasional self-doubt reveal a nuanced exploration of her experience. This collection serves as a powerful testament to the complexity of individual lives affected by HIV/AIDS, challenging pre-existing socio-political frameworks and fostering a deeper understanding of the human experience behind the statistics and red ribbons. Dent’s poetry could be used to analyze how illness narratives are far from one-dimensional – the poetry showcases the often contradictory feelings wrapped up in illness by encompassing pain and joy, isolation and community, the private and the public. “HIV, Mon Amour” could also be used to examine poetry as a narrative form.


Josh’s Own Story – Living with HIV

Josh’s Own Story – Living with HIV

Content type: Health story

This health narrative comes from a personal Blog entitled I’m Still Josh. Josh Recounts his journey from testing negative for HIV in November 2011 to being diagnosed with HIV-1 in January 2012. Despite the initial shock and fear, he remained resilient and committed to raising awareness about HIV, challenging laws in Tennessee and stereotypes associated with HIV. Josh highlights that HIV is not a punishment and that individuals living with HIV are not “dirty.” The author discusses the importance of informing sexual partners due to legal obligations but expresses a positive attitude, asserting their undetectable status and the ability to maintain a fulfilling life, including engaging in sexual relationships. 

In a health narratives class, this story could be utilized to explore the emotional and social aspects of living with HIV. It provides insight into the personal challenges, societal stigmas, and legal implications associated with HIV. The narrative encourages discussions on the intersection of health, law, and personal identity, as well as the importance of destigmatizing HIV and promoting awareness. Josh’s narrative could serve as a platform for discussions on public health policies, the impact of legal frameworks on individuals with HIV, and the role of storytelling in health advocacy.


Living With HIV for 15 Years: What I Have Learned, Loved, and Loathed

Living With HIV for 15 Years: What I Have Learned, Loved, and Loathed

Content type: Health story

This narrative traces Henry’s journey as a person living with HIV, offering a profound exploration of the emotional, physical, and social dimensions of his experience. Henry shares his experience of discovering his sexual identity and the eventual acceptance of being queer. Henry was diagnosed with HIV in 2006 and his story touches upon the challenges faced during the seroconversion period, reluctance to start antiretroviral therapy, and his subsequent health struggles. Henry also reflects fifteen years post-diagnosis on the dual nature of HIV as both a gift and a curse, acknowledging its impact on their perspective and relationships. He encourages others to be proactive in their care, emphasizing the advancements in HIV competency in the medical, political, and social spheres. The story concludes with a powerful message of self-compassion, urging individuals living with HIV to be good to themselves and recognizing that HIV is a condition, not a death sentence.

In a health narratives class, this story could be used to delve into the multifaceted aspects of living with HIV, from the initial shock of diagnosis to the ongoing management of the condition. It offers insights into the importance of community support, mental health services, and proactive healthcare in navigating life with a chronic illness. Additionally, the narrative could serve as a platform for discussions on stigma, disclosure, and the evolving landscape of HIV in healthcare and society.


What I’ve learned after living with HIV in secret for years

What I’ve learned after living with HIV in secret for years

Content type: Health story

ABC News producer Tony Morrison shares his personal journey living with HIV in a powerful essay on the eighth anniversary of his diagnosis. He discusses the emotional challenges, societal stigma, and the impact on his dating life. Morrison emphasizes the importance of disclosure and understanding in relationships, and he challenges HIV-related stereotypes. His essay explores the impact of societal attitudes and stigmatization on mental health and the significance of self-acceptance and living openly. Morrison concludes with a message of resilience, choosing to celebrate life and an open dialogue surrounding HIV.

This narrative can stimulate discussions on topics like HIV education, destigmatization, and the importance of empathy and support for individuals living with stigmatized chronic illnesses. Teachers and students can use the essay to foster understanding, promote open dialogue, and encourage others to critically examine societal attitudes towards HIV and AIDs. 


Let’s Talk About Trauma – A Wound That Never Fully Heals

Let’s Talk About Trauma – A Wound That Never Fully Heals

Content type: Health story

In this Tedx Talk, High school senior Matilde Antunes shares both the psychology and biology between trauma. Matilde shares her own personal narrative of growing up in a broken home. At five years old her parents divided and forced her siblings to pick sides as well as years of hatred and fights between the parents. Such experiences led her to develop depression as well as trauma that prevailed and stayed with her throughout her life. Matilde refers to this experience and trauma in general as a “wound that never fully heals.” She then discusses the importance of breaking the stigma surrounding trauma and mental health generally through the power of vulnerability and connectivity. This video could be utilized within a classroom setting to explore the psychology behind childhood trauma as well as a way to expand on the causes of trauma.


(Not so) golden years

(Not so) golden years

Content type: Health story

Daughter describes the stress of caring for her aging parent from geographically distant place. Details many issues that created burnout in her caregiver role, including feeling isolated and embarrassed about her struggle until she found out all of the problems she faced were very common for caregivers in her position. Useful to discuss how difficult it is to care for elderly parents, especially from a distance, and caregiver burnout.


Mi vida con Sida: La historia de Carolina

Mi vida con Sida: La historia de Carolina

Content type: Health story

Details a young Chilean woman’s experience with AIDS. Her first symptoms were a severe pneumonia and first diagnosis was depression; finally tested positive for AIDS. Details both the stigma of having AIDS and the often supportive reactions from family members. Chilean dialect features may make this otherwise brief, accessible story a stretch for non-native speakers before upper intermediate level. Good example to discuss stigmatized health conditions, misdiagnosis, dealing with family members’ reactions.