

Content type: Health story

Donna Lambers, a maternal/fetal medicine specialist, describes the impact on her medical practice and sense of self when her vocal cords are affected by a thyroidectomy for thyroid cancer.  She loses the ability to control vocal inflection. “For instance,” she writes, “I’m unable to raise my voice at the end of a question… I can no longer tease or kid or be sarcastic with my family and friends, because it comes off sounding mean. My voice, having lost its cadences, is unpleasant to hear; and now, when giving perinatal counseling to my patients, I have no way to convey the empathy and emotion I feel for them…”  She describes with great insight the many ways this has affected her interactions with patients, their families, and co-workers, as well as the frustrations she experiences.

The story could open up a discussion about the ways in which effective communication requires more than simply clear transmission of information and the taken-for-granted ways that we construct relationships and enact identities through subtle cues.  It also speaks to the challenges of this particular non-visible disability.


When the Uber Driver Asks, Do You Have Any Kids?

When the Uber Driver Asks, Do You Have Any Kids?

Content type: Health story

Prompted by the Uber driver’s small talk, this disabled author reflects on how an alternative self, who is not disabled, might answer–or would not have to answer, because her life would be different. Telling the story of the alternative self and life is a means of revealing some of the ways her Stargardt disease (a rare genetic eye condition) has affected the author. The story speaks to non-apparent disabilities, cultural assumptions (about women, about able-bodied-ness), stigma, and disability.




Content type: Health story

David Martinez tells of his experience with bipolar disorder through childhood flashbacks that detail his family’s desire to deny that anything was “wrong,” their wariness of therapy, his placement in a classroom for “troubled” youth, his dropping out and his drug use. He describes the relief it was to receive, at age 32, a diagnosis and prescription medication for his condition and his subsequent work to integrate “the boy” he was and the college professor he is now. His story provides insight into how he experiences the “highs” and “lows” of his bipolar condition. He includes self-portraiture to tell his story.  A recurring theme is uncertainty about what is “real”–his euphoric and dysphoric experiences, his diagnosis–and the distinction between internal experience and how one appears to others.

The essay could prompt discussion about the role of family in encouraging or discouraging treatment for mental health issues, the reasons why people may not take medications, the ways people mask or express mental health experiences.

This essay appeared in Please See Me, an online literary journal that features health-related stories by members of vulnerable populations, and those who care for them.