Dying to be Competent

Dying to be Competent

Content type: Health story

“Dying to be Competent” details Cottam’s experience with healthcare discrepancies in her experience giving birth attributed to the fact that she’s a woman of color.  Cottom describes having her physical pain be completely dismissed by healthcare professionals and claims that this resulted in the  tragic consequence of her daughter dying shortly after birth. Through her personal story, Cottom illustrates the inequalities within healthcare due to structural racism, and the grave lack of care women of color too often receive. This essay could be used in classes to further investigate the structural forces within our society and how they are subsequently intertwined with healthcare as well as how it creates marginalization and lack of care within the healthcare system. Additionally it could be used to discuss the role of unconscious biases and stereotypes within the medical field.  


Allyson Felix es campeona de la salud materna

Allyson Felix es campeona de la salud materna

Content type: Health story

Allyson Felix is an Olympic athlete who experienced complications with her pregnancy. She prepared for her pregnancy, exercising and trying to take every precaution. However, on a routine check-up, she was informed she had grave preeclampsia. Frightened and confused, Felix learned black women were at a higher risk for these complications. Felix received quality care and recovered from the disease, but wants all pregnant women to be aware of this risk. This is a quick read of about 10 minutes for intermediate level Spanish readers. The Q & A interview format help with comprehension. Readily usable in a medical Spanish class to expose students to health disparities (risk factors, access to care, outcomes) or in a mid-level composition, conversation or health narratives course.


Historias de la vida real de personas que tienen diabetes durante el embarazo

Historias de la vida real de personas que tienen diabetes durante el embarazo

Content type: Health story

A woman who was diagnosed with gestational diabetes learns to take this diagnosis seriously because of possible effects on the baby. This story emphasizes the importance of prenatal doctor’s visits and may be best suited for a community group. Medical Spanish courses might talk about health education for Spanish speaking communities.


Difficult Choices

Difficult Choices

Content type: Health story

In this 2-minute video from the Youtube channel Story Center, a mother describes the discrimination that she faced for expressing breast milk at work. The narrator draws attention to the discrimination she and many other people who breastfeed faced, and the effect that her decision to breastfeed had on her career–although she successfully pursued a complaint that resulted in compensation and promises to change policy, she ultimately lost her job. “Difficult Choices” provides a succinct example of workplace discrimination against mothers, the legal remedies available, and their limitations. It could prompt discussion about the use of personal stories for advocacy.




Content type: Health story

This documentary tells the stories of two Black women who died during or after childbirth, through interviews with their family members. The film examines the higher rates of infant mortality in the US, and especially for Black women, who are 3 to 4 times more likely to die from childbirth-related reasons than White women. The film shows how family members became activists for maternal health care. The award-winning film premiered at Sundance in 2022 and is (at the time of this writing) available on Hulu. It could be used to show how narratives can bring statistics to life, as well as the power of narrative for social change.