Allyson Felix es campeona de la salud materna

Allyson Felix es campeona de la salud materna

Content type: Health story

Allyson Felix is an Olympic athlete who experienced complications with her pregnancy. She prepared for her pregnancy, exercising and trying to take every precaution. However, on a routine check-up, she was informed she had grave preeclampsia. Frightened and confused, Felix learned black women were at a higher risk for these complications. Felix received quality care and recovered from the disease, but wants all pregnant women to be aware of this risk. This is a quick read of about 10 minutes for intermediate level Spanish readers. The Q & A interview format help with comprehension. Readily usable in a medical Spanish class to expose students to health disparities (risk factors, access to care, outcomes) or in a mid-level composition, conversation or health narratives course.