Y Si Ya No Puedo, ¿Qué Hago?: Un Relato De Infertilidad

Y Si Ya No Puedo, ¿Qué Hago?: Un Relato De Infertilidad

Content type: Health story

This story (10 minute read) describes the reality of being infertile when a woman yearns to have children. Patricia Cruz Pineda is a rare case (currently one in a million) who cannot have children naturally or using IVF. She and her husband divorced because his frustrated desire to be a father led to him start drinking heavily. She will never have children, and focuses on advice for women in her situation: focus on family, friends, and the community, and avoid events like children’s parties and baby showers for a while. Most useful for a community group focused on women’s health issues. Written in Peninsular dialect and very directive, which might draw mixed reactions from Latinx/Latin American readers.


René (Video Oficial)

René (Video Oficial)

Content type: Health story

This 7-minute music video tells Rene’s (Residente) story of growing up “lower middle class” but secure in Puerto Rico. Describes happiness, sadness and the fragility of being a famous rapper and how he uses alcohol to deal with powerful feelings: loneliness, fear, grief – but music and baseball are more stable healing forces. The video has accurate subtitles in both Spanish and English and moves quite slowly (and can be slowed even further). Many scenes and details of Puerto Rican culture, excellent illustration of dialect features. Could be used to discuss alcoholism, addiction, grief in an upper intermediate or higher Spanish course.


Una carta para mama

Una carta para mama

Content type: Health story

Carla tells her story of how her mother’s disposition changed after her father’s hospitalization with diabetes. One day, Carla came home to see her mother, Jaquelina, on the floor. She shook her and slapped her awake. Jaquelina finally woke up to say she wished she had aborted Carla. This is only where the physical and verbal abuse began. Years like this went on and Carla moved out, cutting off all ties. However, after hearing about Jaquelina attending AA, they both began rekindling their bond. Carla comes from Argentina. The audio may be fit for intermediate Spanish learners. This podcast features themes of physical and verbal abuse and therefore may be suitable for an upper level undergraduate course or medical school student.