The ones we sent away

The author found out at age 12 that her mother had a sister who was institutionalized before age 2 with intellectual disabilities that left her unable to speak. She traces her aunt’s life through various institutions, most of them deplorable, and hears her mother’s grief over the separation from her only sibling. She contrasts the attitudes and treatment of such disabilities in the 1950’s through the 1980’s with much more open acceptance and inclusion of nonverbal persons in the 2020’s, based on a photo that went viral on Twitter. Detailed memoir of three generations’ relationships with the sister: the author’s grandmother, her mother, and herself. Traces the evolution of attitudes toward intellectual disabilities in the 20th and 21st centuries from close relationship to the issue, noting that children born today with her aunt’s condition are able to live much fuller lives because of greater inclusion in educational, social and family contexts. Includes many links to relevant sources, from memoir to scientific works. About 15 pages; also has audio version.
